We at Ocean Yakka recognise that we are fortunate to have this 100Ha piece of land – with full access to 1km of coast within 200m and an 8km long beach just 2km away. This land can be enjoyed and appreciated, but needs to be looked after and preserved.
In this day and age of the ‘endless growth’ mentality and resource exploitation without due regard to sustainability we need to show greater care for that on which humanity totally depends –the natural environment. The global loss of biodiversity is staggering. There remains less than 20% of natural forests, large fish stocks and insects, and extinction rates are over 100 times natural background, and this is before climate impacts have started to bite.
We at Ocean Yakka, believe there is a way of taking from nature, as long as regeneration occurs at the same rate. That is surely the essence of sustainability. We also see Kangaroo Island as a special place, where regeneration of ecosystems can be undertaken alongside ecotourism and sustainable agriculture.
Do enjoy The 100 Ha of Ocean Yakka and indeed the adjacent Lashmar Park, but be cognisant of your impact on the land.